I love a woman who treats her man like a king.
She enjoys making him feel awesome and on top of the world
Even if it means putting in a little more effort than he does
She will do everything to please him.
From making him his favorite dish to running his bath water
Taking interest in his favorite but otherwise boring video games, sports and TV shows by tapping into his passion for them
Facilitating his hang outs with his friends
Giving him his 'alone' time when he needs it without rebound anger
Allowing him to make final decisions and supporting him on it
after contributing her thoughts on the matter of discussion
Leaving a love note in his bag when he goes on trips
Buying him well thought out gifts and toys of interest
Reminding him when he forgets
Giving him a shoulder to lean on when he is down
Continuing to figure out ways to blow his mind in their intimate moments
Ensuring 'home' is truly a place of tranquility and fun that he looks forward to,
Not only Speaking highly of him as necessary in public but also showing him how much he is appreciated when it's just the two of them
And loving him right ...
Only on one condition- that he treats her too like a queen that she is.
She is not afraid to demand just as much as she gives
She understands she is not a 'superwoman' born to always give and never receive
Even nature thrives on balance
She knows when she's being taking for granted, not respected or not appreciated
She knows when her service turns into slavery
She knows when her sacrifice turns to foolishness
She does not confuse suffering with striving
And she is not afraid to call it what it is
Requesting a change or ready to take a bow
She is not bound by the years in the companionship but more by the quality of the moments in that time
And she's not afraid to move on, never giving up on her pursuit of happiness.
She'd rather be on that path of uncertainty than settle for a lifetime of sorrow
A lifetime of sorrow that drives her into a dungeon of hopelessness, just so a man could continue to feel like a king
Making her forget her true worth and that she is a Queen
With or without him.
(C) Bilqees 2016
What a lovely poem! You just struck the chords in my heart with every line of your expression. Truly, accepting less when you are so much more in any relationship can be very draining. There must be balance, without balance relationships become a burden that some people decide to endure forever while others boldly step out to create room for more refreshing moments. Love should inspire freedom + friendship and not slavery of any kind.
Thanks so much for your comment. I am glad you found a point of connection with the words. I love your last sentence, it is so true - Love should inspire freedom.