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Rebirth of US

If you needed a reminder

Or perhaps had doubts about

The power of one day

One moment

The 2021 Inauguration Day was an apt reminder 

Perhaps its meaning was intensified by the weight of the past 5years

Or heck, more recently by the attack on the Capitol a few weeks before

Culminating in a prolonged 2-week distressing labor before the birth 

While that event heightened the trepidation and anxiety that accompanied the excitement at the beginning of the day,

It was also the reason for the increase in the intensity of its value

Because facing reality means acknowledging that

The Inauguration Day did not go as everyone wished

There are some in the shadows of recent public online censorship 

Or held back by the elaborate security presence that dwarfs number of troops in war zones 

Or stopped by the celebration of the majority 

Or constrained by their own inner reconsiderations

Or a mix of more than one factor

That would rather have it another way

So, beyond the numerous flags that represented our unity and pride

Beyond the lights honoring the 400,000 plus lives lost to the pandemic in about 10months

Beyond the remarkable arrivals and announcements 

Beyond the masked faces, fist bumps, shoulder bumps, and much needed stolen hugs 

Beyond the the plum belt with golden buckle and the golden dove

Beyond the Spanish oration, pledge in ASL and rendition of Amazing Grace that took center stage 

Beyond the poignant elevation of a young black woman over and above “the hills we climb”

Beyond the meme-worthy all-day white grandpa vibe

Beyond the oaths and pledges of the first Female, First Black, First Asian Vice President 

And beyond the oath and unifying speech of the new President

There is a rebirth of the US taking place

A rebirth of us

Redeeming, cathartic, exhilarating and reassuring 

And though our troubles will not disappear in an instant

For one, the pandemic and its realities are still with us

There is a redirection, that if backed by mutual respect and cooperation 

Would ease our nation’s pain, restoring its valuable fabric 

Not because it would be a perfect union

But because it would be backed by our collective and purposeful desire to be our own rescue

Will we disagree? Of course, we will

But in his words, the "disagreement need not result in disunion" 

Such that we forget that we all contribute to the fate of this great nation

Which despite the numerous blows it deals us and heartbreaks it causes us from time to time

All signs of its imperfections and indication of slumber from which we may need to wake

We love it beyond measures 

And it is our hope for it and its residents to not only succeed but lead

We are the ones we have been waiting for

And it is a right day to begin the work

It is a new day!

(c) Bilqees 2021