There is fear.
Loneliness, sadness, and emptiness exist.
And sometimes they all come out to dine together
Add a scoop of hopelessness to the party
-the venue of which is in the mind of an individual
And the feeling of unworthiness ensue.
That state in which living becomes a routine
No sparks, no delights
Nothing to look forward to
Nothing to fill the void
Distractions here and there
With a general sense of impending doom.
As the layers of darkness find a breeding ground
The volume of sadness increases
Response to pain becomes suffering
And the whole experience become numbing
Self-esteem crashes and goes into oblivion
Consciousness becomes out of reach
The whole idea of 'Self' vanishes
And death seems a better option
Your redemption is within
There is a flicker of light inside yearning for air to burn brighter
Allow it, grant it audience
You may have to recognize you can't do this all by yourself
Because in challenging moments as this,
your mind may not be dependable for your survival
Reach out- speak, write and touch
I am here for you if you happen to find this
I don't have exactly your experience
But I have been close and so have many others
You are not alone and I would love to help
But you have to be willing to share,
Willing to ask for help
You can count on me and others like me around the world
Always ready to give a helping hand
A couple of people did that for me
Giving their support, in variety of ways
Till I was able to gain enough momentum
to self-launch, help myself overcome
And grow from the strength gathered
Turning the pain and sadness into a drive
A motivation, an inspiration
To heal myself and others around me
Encouraging you to live now
And enjoy your existence
And that though there may be one or more precipitants of sadness
There are a million and one reasons to feel alive
And BE alive
The connection needs to be made
Because truly, your mind is powerful
And you are who you convince yourself to be
And you have the power to turn your thoughts around
Once you've gotten that needed force to conquer the inertia
Regardless of the external voices and forces that say otherwise,
You can beat this
There is hope.
And yes you can
(c) Bilqees 2017