Clinging unto it like your life depends on it
Even though deep inside you know it sucks all you know as life out of you
You think of letting go,
But wonder what the norm is and what judgment doing so will attract
You put everyone but yourself at the helms of your decision making
While you swing by, totally obliterated.
Just then, the chokehold tightens across your neck and you feel like the end is nigh
You see your life's moments play before your eyes like a movie in fast-forward mode
You close your eyes in fear yet in acceptance and tried to mutter goodbye
Still watching the clips skip along, you get stuck on one moment, one scene
That moment when you had all the confidence you needed to take on the world
Being stuck on that moment fed your spirit, mind and body
making more similar moments flash by
Leaving you feeling strong, brave and positive
Then you heard a click!
A click that changed everything, the pressure around your neck eased off
You realize how numb you have become to life and your purpose
Simply accumulating hours and days as they go by
With nothing to look up or look forward to
You wonder hard how you got here, to the point that it hurts
The pain became so real, forcing you to brace up
and summon the strength to fight again
It is the only way, anyway, you thought.
You snapped out of your clinging, ever-pleasing others, perfectionist self
and decided to live
to breathe.
That breath felt like the very first, though you have no memory of it
It is a rebirth!
You are ready to stand strong, break barriers and dispel all culturally-instilled fears
You become ready to live and enjoy each moment in each day, no matter what
You embrace your truth, authenticity and imperfections
Much to the surprise of the source of your pain
You bring it to its feet, defeated, crushed and inconsequential
You have broken free and there is no going back
Venturing into the unknown, the uncertain and risky
fills your spirit with great excitement and satisfaction
And each new day looks good again
You can perceive the beautiful scents of life
You can hear the raindrops
You can feel the breeze
You can see the rainbow and its beautiful colors
You can even savor the taste of meals
You let out a beautiful smile
at the thought of being able to not only be alive
but also to feel alive again.
(c) Bilqees 2016