Sitting in the Chapel
Surrounded by a warm ambience
Of historic architecture
Beautiful carvings
Colored windows
Hanging bright chandeliers
Green leaves upholding the red flowers
The Quintet orchestra playing captivating tunes for the holiday
A little girl sits quietly across me, a few rows away
Probably in imitation of her parents
As they enjoyed the music like everyone else
Not long afterward, she dances away from them
A crescendo is reached -
And she is on the aisle twirling
And making beautiful sounds and motions
As she allowed the music flow through her being
If I wasn't an adult with the sense of required decorum
I will be doing the same
Norms. Adulthood. Boring.
Sometimes you want to burst out and truly enjoy life your way
At the tugging pull of your inner child
But you choose otherwise
Surrendering your excitement and passion for compliance
To save you the judgment of prying eyes
Or even an embarrassing photograph or video
That ends up on Instagram and the likes
You cower at the thoughts of the multiple comments
People whose opinion shouldn't matter to you
Jeering and sneering
When did we become robots?
Where is that 'child'?
Where is your life?
Take hold of it
Get drenched in your excitement
Amuse others in the process
Let out a hearty laughter
Dance like no one is watching
Embrace the richness of your soul
(c) Bilqees 2017