A few days ago, I had a short but delightful meeting with Dr. TJ from the Harvard Executive Education program and upon my arrival, he said,
"You have been busy lately on LinkedIn."
I responded,
"Yes, been very busy in real life too."
Grateful for the busy moments and the Thanksgiving road trip which eased me into other end of year activities that are more relaxing, opportunities to refill empty cups, rest and ideate for the next round of planting (still have a few engagements, weeks of work and trips). Many of the current activities are truly a confluence of harvests - some of the crops took a few months to germinate others took 1-3years and some others I have been planting and nurturing all my life. Some have a one time harvest, others are incremental and provide seeds for the next seasons! Subhanallah! I hope to continuously be responsible with opportunities and blessings that come my way, making the lives of others better. To whom much is given, much is expected.
Before moving to the United States, I had never heard of Thanksgiving Day but it quickly became one of my favorite US holiday. The seasons’ sentiments of gratitude and reflection align so much with my favorite emotions. The way it fosters community, service and family connections just makes it so enjoyable. From strangers turned friend who extend their tables to my family and I, like E and O. Like all celebrations when many in the nation have a shared joyful feeling, I feel the warmth of the preponderance of the joyous and gratitude emotion. Over the years though, my knowledge of Thanksgiving has grown to include the understanding of its meaning to Native Americans, who I hold space for.
Gratitude continues to be my default emotion when I reflect, moreso in the month of November - found out it is National Gratitude Month (cool) in addition to having Thanksgiving Day in it. One day in October, I wrote the first draft of this piece just as I woke up from sleep:
I have been to the abyss
A free fall through darkness devoid of any light
Though at the time, it felt endless
In retrospect, It was a visit
I’m glad it didn’t become my home
And I rose through grace and a lesson on self-love
So today, I take not for granted,
the tiniest of the luminous zone of candlelight
Or an ember in a fireplace
Or a flake of fire
Or a sparkle of LED
Or a tiny ray of sunshine
Through a crack in the blind
Or an aperture in the door
I embrace and magnify the intensity of light around me
with intense gratitude
In the form of simple kindness
In promises kept
In a job well done
In a good word
In a resolved incident
In being present
In having the breath of life
In being alive in every sense
I was awash with a deep sense of gratitude throughout the day. Later that day, Rita Ora’s Grateful came to mind and I put it on repeat because it fitted so well. Such a powerful song.
I also have continued lesson in not making perfect stand in the way of good
I am thankful for life!
Thankful for family, friends, mentors, supporters, love, and smiles.
Thankful for the journey here.
Innumerable blessings and grace.
Many impactful lessons and challenges overcome.
I am thankful for a network creating a more compassionate, healthier, prosperous and inclusive future.
Thankful for missions, moments, perspectives and opportunities shared.
Hope you and loved ones had a joyous and gratitude-filled Thanksgiving weekend.
Holding space for those who grieved or were sad on Thanksgiving Day, for events past or recent. Hoping you got the quiet needed for reflection and healing, and in the process, found comfort and optimism.
(c) Bilqees 2022