Welcome the Month of Fasting!
Driving to work felt different today
I feel like there is an halo around me
Like an invisible outer garment
Forming a protective coat that I wear proudly
It felt really special,
Ramadan starts today, I thought to myself
My mind then journeys back to a few days ago when as part of thoughts to myself and conversation with a friend
I had questioned my readiness for the month-long exercise
My thoughts around how less I performed the ‘regular’ acts of worship compared to when I was younger.
bothered me a great deal
Was I drifting away from my Lord?
How do I get better?
Have I stayed too far away from religious gatherings?
How I miss I.M.O.
Attendance of a Pre-Ramadan sermon helped with the latter
It was like I was there to get that answer, a reminder
While saying non-obligatory prayers and standing up at night, reading/studying the Quran are remarkable acts of worship
We too easily forget that worship is in almost every acts that we do
The jobs we do - saving lives or contributing to the economy or even to provide sustenance for our families
The children we raise and nurture; through sleepless nights, granting immediate attention and having to supervise
Our duty to our parents, friends, extended families
Our duty to orphans, the poor, travelers and strangers
Smiling, removing objects capable of hurting others from the streets
and so many things we overlook
Even as little as a smile to a passer-by
All we need do is to remember to set the intentions right
And remember that He takes account of all actions.
And we should never stop honestly striving to be better in worship
never growing complacent
in our worship of Him.
(c) Bilqees 2016