I have been to Trent Semans many times but on that Sunday, I was able to appreciate the little fountain right outside it, surrounded by a lovely landscape.
It grasped my attention and almost compelled me to sit as I approached the building, to attend the Hackathon event. I stopped to look round the fountain for any restrictive signs. I saw the 'No Smoking' sign. Quite like Duke, I smiled, I wouldn't have to bother about that. I proceeded to move closer and gave the water a "high five" as if promising to be back. In that moment of touch, I felt a sense of calm and connection to the earth. It felt really good. Even in the event that I don't make it back there, this was enough, I thought to myself.
I had a good time at the event. It was nice hearing the contestants pitch their Health IT products/projects to the audience. My favorite team came second though I didn't get to hear the winning pitch. After the event, I interestingly remembered to stop by at the fountain. This time, I sat quietly, hiding my bag in my shadow, away from the direct sunlight to protect the chocolate on the Biscotti. I listened to the water splashing, watched the ripples form and disappear. I admired the beautiful stones of various shapes and shades of brown at the bottom of the water. I escaped to 'La La land' just staring blankly in awe of the simplistic beauty.
I was brought back to reality by a voice from behind me asking if I was trying to be alone. The stranger then asked if I would love to Salsa. Wow! This was a gift. My investment in thoughts of trying to enroll into a Salsa Dance Class has been echoed by the Universe or how do I explain this perfect random ask from a stranger. We had all we needed - interest, amazing attitude, speakers, music and a beautiful landscape. I gladly said yes and had fun being clumsy, getting the steps right and adding some 'me' touches.
One. Two. Three. Four.
Five. Six. Seven. Eight.
Step by Step, interspersed with twirls. My days of learning Salsa is not over, I am far from perfect yet but these memories will last for some time and I hope propel me to seek a class for real. A perfect artwork to put on display in the museum of my life. Thank you, stranger, for making my day.
A perfect artwork to put on display in the museum of my life.
Thank you, stranger, for making my day.
What moments encapsulate your breath?
Live deliberately.
Pause to embrace the earth.
Surprise yourself
Live Now!
(c) Bilqees 2017