Bringing up memories of my journey so far in this country,
thousands of miles away from my other home
A land where I live in and have grown to love
Not for its perfection
But for the growth I have experienced
In the few years of my residence
It is the place where I've learned a great deal
Not only Business, Informatics, Research and the likes
But also life lessons
- *Interdependence of our Existence*
It is the land in which I experienced truly living 'alone', both literally and psychologically for the first time
The land where I learned the greatest lessons of survival,
That no matter how independent you think you are, you need others
Your life is richer with opening your doors
But you must have a filter on who you let into your deep space
Relationships are essential, make the right investments.
2. *Finding and staying in your 'Happy'*
Though we have the need to be interdependent,
You have not grown until you learn to be happy and know what keeps you happy when you are by yourself
It is not enough to know what makes you happy and successful
You have to consciously create paths to happiness and always surround yourself with things that keep you happy.
3.*There is more Good in the World*
A lot of humans are still in the business of doing good
Though the media seem to convince you otherwise
This is the land where I learned more about the true meaning of unbiased, random and consistent acts of kindness
4 *Make Informed Choices and Set Healthy Boundaries*
It is the land where I had my greatest trial of all in life so far
One that left me with only two options, die or live
Choosing to live wasn't an easy choice to make and definitely not as simple as it reads
Being in a safe place, and having a protective boundary, a safe haven,
shutting me out from the uncontrollable noise that would have impeded my growth helped a great deal
And when I carelessly allowed the noise through the gadgets, 'Fam' of different ages, color, and faith reach out
to help pull me away from the negative energy threatening to encircle me.
5. *Balance need for control with letting go*
I also realize that the ability to react to things lies in the control of your thoughts
You also don't need to stress about things outside of your control
But focus on that which you have control over
Like I read sometimes ago, energy goes where your focus is. Focus more on what you want than what you don't want or have.
6. *Reflect and Write*
I got to appreciate the wisdom of my teenage self from my past writings and journals
Those were very helpful in reminding me of who I am
I got to practice a lot of all I have spent my life learning so far
and I can affirm that words are truly cheap, actions are more tasking and valuable
There's a lot of truth you may know but so much you can practice
It is OK to not know, the inability to learn or unlearn as appropriate is the bane.
7. *Live Now*
But the best lesson I am glad to be able to practice
Is to live in the moment
Not letting the dates and time and years bother you
But truly living consciously, in a continuum
Previously, laughing heartily in one moment and crying in the next seemed unstable or pretentious
But now I have come to understand that it truly means sinking into oneself
And expressing feelings by the moment.
8. *Pause and be in Touch with your Soul*
Choose your reactions wisely
Take a lot of moments to Listen. Be calm. Be still.
Understand that your purpose seeks you just as much or even more than you seek it
But you have to be attentive to the silent whispers of the universe in your heart
There lies the answer to your next path
When you are connected to your soul’s seat
it all comes together like puzzle pieces.
9. *Stay Aware and Hit 'Reset' as often as necessary*
My rebirth is the best experience ever
And I hope to continue living consciously, aware and deliberately
And surround myself with many more Aware individuals
Work to make a livelihood, not live to work
Give, spend but save
Derive joy in interactions not in people, because just like you, they are imperfect and can change with time
That way you can separate the different qualities - good or bad of an individual from their entire identity.
10. *Self Love*
Dream without a gauge, bring back the imaginations of your childhood
Be grateful for all blessings big and small
Learn to love yourself deeply
Show compassion and be kind to others, but more importantly to yourself
In all, I've got myself
and beyond myself and greater than me is He who lives in me
My Source, My unfailing love, My Trustworthy Friend, My Lord, My God
Who constantly reminds me that there is a purpose to the chaos.
(c) Bilqees 2017