Step unto life's stage my dear
Don't be afraid of what you haven't tried
You have a light within your soul
that the world needs and is eager to see
Imagine how much layers of hindering factors there is to shed
To make that spark shine through
Be true to you and your inherent powers
And that light will shine forever bright
Those layers it needs to transcend will in an instant
merge into one transparent frame
That makes it easy for you to radiate your energy
With no holds barred
You become one with your light
Sharing that brightness with the world
While also illuminating your own path
Don't ever be afraid to shine
That's who you have been created to be
One of the brilliantly shiny souls
That dissolves every fold of darkness
Because it's got no control over you at all
When you reveal the gift you've got without holding back
Never forget that apart from being one of the shiny beings
Who forever lives in light
You are that light
So, just shine!
(On my mind as I woke up from sleep 5/27/16)
(c) Bilqees 2016